Zen Bear Launches Signature Eco Friendly Mats

We have been busy working our tail ends off to bring you the vibrant, honest, eco conscious mats to your paws. Zen Bear was formed by passionate Yogi Bears, who felt the planet was missing something. Mats adorned with colour and creativity that would not have a harmful paw print on the planet. And so, Zen Bear was born, and since day one our values have always been three-fold…


We’re Eco Conscious

Our mats are derived entirely from natural tree rubber, using the latex that comes from the Para Rubber Tree - an ecologically sustainable crop which contributes to the maintenance of the global carbon balance in the atmosphere. The oozy latex material extracted from the trees is strained, diluted with water, treated and rolled into sheets ready for you to take home.


We’re Sustainable

To promote sustainable farming, the trees are only partially wounded with an incision on the tree’s outer surface, used for a period of time, and then allowed to heal naturally. At Zen Bear we are committed to using sustainable practices to produce beautiful mats, without compromising on style or substance.

Rugs for Every Cub


Our ethos remains that Yoga is for all cubs, no matter their age, gender or activity levels. We are passionate about providing a range of rugs to suit every cub, and will be releasing even more signature Zen Bear Mats in the new year!

If you’d like to stay tuned with all Zen Bear news, updates and new product releases, be sure to join the pack on Facebook & Instagram!