The Perfect Post Yoga Smoothie

The Perfect Post Yoga Smoothie Recipe

When we’re choosing the optimal nutrition from a yogic perspective, there’s more to consider than just the nutritional value of food.

Ayurveda and yogic literature categorize food into three qualities: rajas, tamas, and sattva. Rajas is the quality of motion. Rajasic food is stimulating, but it can also leave you restless if you overeat it. Examples are coffee, tea, and chocolate.

Tamas is inertia. Tamasic foods include processed foods, red meat, and alcohol. Any food eaten in excess can turn tamasic. These foods pull you down and lead to a lack of purpose and even depression.

Sattva, or the Sattvic diet is what many strive for. It can help to strengthen the body, purify your mind, and provide calmness. Sattvic food includes fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, and herbal teas.

Everyone is different. Try to develop an inner awareness to figure out which foods suit you best. If you find that your well-being is negatively affected by certain foods, try to eliminate the foods for a few days and see if you can notice a difference. Keeping a food diary can help you become in tune with your body and eating habits.

Alkaline Smoothie Recipe

This alkaline smoothie is a great way to end your yoga session. It’s rich in sattvic foods and has no added sugar. It’s best to use organic produce and to drink your smoothie immediately after blending.


•1 cup unsweetened almond milk

•1 small handful of baby spinach

•1 cup pineapple chunks

•1 tbsp chia seeds


1.Wash the baby spinach

2. Remove the rind from the pineapple and cut it into chunks

3. Add all ingredients to your blender jar

4.Blend for 45-60 seconds until smooth